gammaRenax GmbH
With the connected LEDCity lighting solution, the light can be individually configured for different scenarios.
The project in figures.
Customised configuration for complex scenarios.
Facility service provider gammaRenax has taken a major step towards the future of lighting technology at its headquarters in Dübendorf. Since November 2020, the FM Academy training room, the Cleaning Lab and the Engine Room have been illuminated with our connected lighting solution. This enables energy savings of 89% as well as complex lighting scenarios according to individual requirements with a simple configuration. A training room has very specific lighting requirements: While the course participants need enough light to read their documents and take notes, the lecturer’s lighting should not be too bright so that the projected PowerPoint slides can still be read easily. If the sun is shining through the window, not as much artificial light is needed as on a rainy autumn day. In addition to configuration via app or web applications, it is also possible to switch between different scenarios using a battery-free switch.
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We would also be happy to advise you personally to find the ideal lighting solution for your application!
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