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catrina klee ledcity
julian wiederkehr ledcity

We would also be happy to advise you personally to find the ideal lighting solution for your application!
We look forward to hearing from you.

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catrina klee ledcity
julian wiederkehr ledcity

We would also be happy to advise you personally to find the ideal lighting solution for your application!
We look forward to hearing from you!

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catrina klee ledcity
julian wiederkehr ledcity

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Our customer service is there for you from Monday to Friday: 08:00am - 05:30pm

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catrina klee ledcity
julian wiederkehr ledcity

We would also be happy to advise you personally to find the ideal lighting solution for your application!
We look forward to hearing from you.

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News - 25. April 2024

Getting into constructive action | Leader

Getting into constructive action

“Not me – him too” is a well-known children’s excuse. The “triangle of inaction” in climate protection is the children’s excuse of adults – and companies. But there are examples of how to take action without shifting responsibility.

One day, student Patrik Deuss looked up at the ceiling of the lecture theatre and asked himself: “Do all these lights have to be on all day?” The budding energy and environmental engineer did some research and found out that – as in many office buildings and car parks – they are in operation for a full 16 hours a day. He calculated the savings potential of a regulated burning time. He found that many public buildings still use outdated technologies on a daily basis, which could easily be replaced or at least improved. “Many systems have been around for 50 years. Even motion detectors are nothing new,” says Patrik Deuss. Only in recent years has the topic of energy efficiency been added. He wanted to make it better – and more cost-effective. After all, it was always important to him not only to be green, but also to think economically.

Patrik Deuss, now 33, is now CEO of LEDCity AG with 43 employees. The start-up helps property companies and insurance companies to reduce their electricity consumption using the latest technology. Each individual luminaire is equipped with sensors that dim the light when no one is in the room. This saves an average of 60 to 70 per cent of electricity – compared to technologies that already use LEDs and sensors. Compared to a traditional lighting solution, the saving is a whopping 90 per cent.


Would you like to read the full article?

You can find the full article in the latest issue of “Leader – das Magazin für Führungskräfte” 01/24 on page 20 (German): swissleaders.ch